Welcome Everyone!
Welcome Everyone!

Ok, This blog will probably be short.
A couple of ground rules to go over. This is my blog and I have no doubt that at some point I will say something to offend someone in the world. Especially with a whole generation of sensitive individuals. In these blogs we will probably talk about everything at some point. Sales, Politics, religion, stupid people, smart people, and the like. Let’s say the sky’s the limit. Understand people can disagree and that is still ok. Let’s not go to war over it. These blogs are from my point of view and educational. I write in a satirical format and always have remarks about everything. How did my dad’s step-daughter put it.. “I’m Opinionated” No shit, my filter gets clogged occasionally, and some shit comes flying out. Not a reason to disown or hate someone.
This blog is probably going to be rated R due to language. I will tone down the swearing because I’m thinking about working on that problem. I love to hear what other people think and their thoughts, However, if you’re going to bash me and make fun of me I will probably never listen to you and you won’t hurt my feelings cause frankly I’m the only one allowed to hurt my feelings. We don’t know each other so why should I care. Just saying. Most of these topics will be about sales or sales related because that is seriously my Personality profile. I will also have personal stories that I will share amongst other things. Enjoy yourself, enjoy the content, and welcome to life’s crazy adventures. Also, at some point I will change the name from Boss Enterprizes, but I haven’t found anything I like yet. I did like Bob’s world, but that was a fricken cartoon growing up so of course it’s copy written and I can’t use it. Also, Please do not sell my content it is copy written. According to the Fed’s if it’s original and fixed then it’s copywritten.
Enjoy and welcome aboard the crazy train!
Now that you’ve said hello to the world, it’s time to introduce yourself. Your first blog post is a chance to tell readers who you are with a short bio, as well as share what your blog is about and why you are blogging. You can include something personal or funny, or add a photo of yourself or your business. Give your readers an idea of what to expect in upcoming blog posts.
Thought for the week: The only thing between a good day and a bad day is your attitude! - Someone Famous-