To Push or not to Push. That is the Question!
Here is the major question that every salesman askes; Am I pushing to much or not enough?
Here is the short of it. Listen to your prospects! If you can’t or do not know how to listen to your prospects, quit your job in sales and find another profession. The very definition of sales is listening to your prospects to solve a problem that they have using your product. Listen to them. If your prospect says, “If you don’t leave me alone, then the deal is off.
” Leave them alone. If your prospect says, “I need more time.” Ask when a good time would be to follow up and book an appointment. To Clarify an appointment is not: next Tuesday, or in three weeks, or later down the road. An appointment is Tuesday 27th at 3pm. If you are anything like me and are constantly forgetting shit, use a calendar. Set a reminder. I run by Microsoft Outlook; I send an invite and ask them to accept. If they do not accept, I will call to confirm the appointment before I go. (No use wasting time).

If you’re talking to a prospect and they say something like: “I’m not sure” Then it’s time to ask some questions. If they say something like: “Ok fine call me in a week and I’ll let you know.” You need to set a hard appointment. Listen to your prospects!
If you don’t listen to your prospects, then they will get annoyed, and you will lose the sale. That is a major key response telling you that you pushed too hard. When you start getting responses like maybe next week, maybe this, maybe that. That is generally an indication that you need to light a fire under their ass and use a sense of urgency to get them to a Yes or No. Understand that there are exceptions to every rule, and you need to weed them out. There are some prospects that don’t care, and they will take their time and when the prices go up, they will get agitated and you will say “Sorry, Mr. prospect, but I tried to tell you that and you refused to listen.” It’s ok to say “Mr. Prospect you wanted me to warn you when the prices were going to go up. I’m letting you know NOW, that’s where they are headed…” and close them. If they keep booking an appointment after appointment after appointment, ask them. “Mr. Prospect is there anything that I can help clarify. We moved the appointment 4 times are you still interested, or should we put this on the back burner, and I’ll give you a call in 2 weeks to a month (or later down the road)?” This is usually a sign that they are unsure and by giving them an out they will typically feel that you are pulling it away from them and they might be more inclined to ask questions which will then help you get them to a yes or no.

What’s the goal? The goal is to get the prospect to a Yes or NO. If they’re on the fence, then knock them off. (Do not use a stick but ask enough questions to weed them out.) If you Listen to your prospects, then they will let you know if you are pushing too hard or Not enough.